Dark neck blog

Do you become agitated when you notice a significant variation in your face and neck?

Colour ? We usually pamper our faces with facials, cleaning, and face packs, yet, our necks are subjected to the same level of exposure as our faces. It goes through everything. including the sun, pollution, and dust, and seems drab and pigmented. Moreover, not only should you cleanse your neck and If you haven’t taken care of your dark neck yet,

your face, but you should also scrub and moisturise it daily.

then start from today onwards. What Does Having A Black Neck Mean?

A black neck, also known as a dark neck is a condition where the skin around your neck is noticeably darker than the surrounding skin. Most often, this affects the neck, groyne, and armpits. The dark areas typically turn velvety and can become thickened. It may also appear in body folds such as the knuckles,

knees, and elbows. Symptoms Of Black Neck The primary symptoms of a black neck are: Hyperpigmentation skin becoming darker -Skin becoming thicker

Velvety patches

How To Treat Black Neck?

The key to eliminating and preventing a black neck is to treat the underlying condition that is causing it. In some instances, you can completely resolve the discoloration once you manage the condition. Regularly Exfoliating the area with scrub rich

in antioxidants and vitamins such as Potato, tomato, baking soda, ubtan, almond oil, wild turmeric, rice flour, etc

Dark Neck Causes

Here are a few common reasons for a dark neck.

Extreme exposure to the sun for prolonged periods of time • Deposit of environmental pollutants and

toxins ⚫ Certain chemicals in skin care products

that cause darkening of the skin

• Obesity and diabetes

Pregnancy: During their pregnancy, a woman’s body goes through hormonal changes, which can be due to excessive

production of melanin, the main pigment

that determines the colour of our skin.

How To Avoid Dark Skin On Neck?


Remember that the skin on your neck is similar to your facial skin; hence, give the same care and attention. Diligently clean the back of your neck thoroughly with chemical-free cleansers and exfoliate on a regular basis. Use sunscreen on the back of your neck, as well, to protect the skin from getting tanned or

darkened. If you are diabetic or obese, weight loss can also help in reducing the darkness of the skin on the back of your neck, due to an

improvement in circulation. Wear hats with a wide brim, to protect your neck when you are out in the sun. A little bit of extra care and attention is all you need to avoid the occurrence of dark pigmentation around the neck ‘Prevention is better than cure, hence, make sure you follow a good skincare routine with our Akshara Naturals skin care products.

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